Let's Talk!

Targeting Your Market For Results

Smart Marketing Is Planned Marketing

Who Is Your Target? Define Your Best Customer

The customers that have been our bread and butter are great aren’t they? So let’s get more of them! Take a close look at your top customers and then figure out the best way to get to other potential customers just like them. Seems to make sense, but too many times businesses are too busy trying to go after everyone they possibly can.

Improve your client count in Lakeland FL & Pittsburgh PAGenerating new high profit margin customers that fit your profile of “best customer” is the sure-fire way to grow your business and your brand. Your existing fans and loyal customers are a great way to reach out to others they can influence too. Take full advantage of referrals and reward your top customers, keeping them happy may be critical to your survival.

What Does Well For You?

You have some ideas about what works well for you when it comes to marketing. The best way to be sure that what you think works really does deliver return on investment, is to test and track. Every media channel and method that is used should have a way to be tracked for performance.

The way to cut a marketing budget is not to just use an axe, you want to surgically cut out the things that deliver smaller returns and invest that money in the things that have a proven track record or great promise based on defining your target market and ways to reach them.

So, What’s The Plan Now?

The past few years have shaken out a lot of your competition. Are you ready with a plan to take advantage of that fact? The days of spending here and there and hoping for the best are over. If that is your plan, you likely will not survive the coming reshuffle. If you do plan well and only spend on things that bring direct, measurable return, you will be on top when the next upturn takes hold. We know what is working and what is not in today’s changing market. Let’s sit down and figure out a plan to persevere through to prosperity.

SEO Services available in Auburndale FL, Pittsburgh PA & more across the US

WebSmart Marketing is Smart Business

You can target the keywords that your potential customers use when looking on the web for what you offer. Then your website will stand a chance of getting some traffic. If you optimize your website properly, it should be found when potential customers are searching. Your advertising and salespeople can publicize your website, but internet marketing can be the primary way new leads are generated.

If your website is not driving new business to your company, why do you have it? Many companies have had their first website may be done by a friend, then they had their site redone by a “professional” website designer the second time, and now the website still is not generating any business!

As a full service Orlando marketing company we are interested in how your site performs and how we can deliver more qualified leads to your business. THAT is the primary purpose of a website for most businesses. Contact our marketing and website design experts next time, and start generating new business.

When You Get Results, We Succeed

We want to help clients improve their business, that doesn’t always mean huge ad budgets and grandiose plans. Sometimes it just means a few organizational meetings and then implementing the defined steps. As you can see from our recent assignments, we don’t need to score a financial homerun for Brandstastic every time at bat as long as our clients hit it out of the park! Good solid advice that is put to use can be enough for solid improvements in the bottom line.

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